Your Defense Attorneys For All Drug Charges
The war on drugs rages on in Florida. The Drug Enforcement Agency, as well as local police and sheriff’s departments, are on the hunt every day for individuals to arrest on suspicion of drug crimes. From simple possession to manufacturing and trafficking, any drug-related charge is likely to carry a potentially heavy jail or prison sentence and a record that could make it difficult to go to college, get a job or obtain a loan.
Your best chance at avoiding injustice is to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney who is driven to give you the best possible defense. At The Kreiss Law Firm, our lawyers have more than 44 years of combined experience practicing criminal defense at the state and federal levels. Whatever you have been charged with, we can help. As a boutique law firm, we give each client’s case our full attention. Our determination and creative approach to legal strategy have helped many of our clients win dismissals and not-guilty verdicts out of difficult and complex charges.
From Simple To Complex Drug Charges Defense
We can defend you against any drug charge, including:
- Possession and possession with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver
- Trafficking
- Conspiracy and attempt
The penalties you could face for a conviction or guilty plea depend on the type of drug and the amount involved, as well as your prior record. We listen to your side of the story and explain the details of what you are facing. There are always options, and we will never pressure you to accept a poor plea deal. We will devise a strategy based on the facts and the law. Most of all, we will work closely with you so you are in control.
Contact The Kreiss Law Firm
Call 888-211-4156 to reach The Kreiss Law Firm in downtown Fort Lauderdale. You may also email us. We offer free initial legal consultations. Our firm represents clients facing drug crimes across Florida.