Creative. Passionate. Persistent.

Health Care Fraud Defense In Fort Lauderdale

Health care law in the U.S. is a complex web that few people understand completely. A charge of defrauding Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance can lead to prison and a felony record that follows you for life. You need clear guidance from a defense attorney who is experienced in this complicated area of the law.

At The Kreiss Law Firm, we are white collar crime defense attorneys with more than 44 years of combined experience. We represent health care providers and others who are charged with health care fraud or under investigation. These cases often involve millions of dollars and potentially long prison terms. As your attorneys, we will work tirelessly to confront the charges with creative strategies designed to preserve your rights and give you the most favorable outcome possible.

Billing Practices And Criminal Charges

Health care fraud cases often revolve around allegedly improper billing. The defendant might be accused of billing Medicaid, Medicare or a private insurance company for tests or procedures performed on a patient that were not medically necessary. In other cases, the provider never performed the billed items at all. Other cases involve overcharging for medication or medical devices.

Whether a billing was for a legitimate and covered purpose is not always clear at first glance. We have the resources to conduct a thorough investigation of the prosecution’s evidence and things it might have missed. We will prepare a detailed defense based on the evidence, the law and your needs. We will work relentlessly until your case is resolved. You can call or email us whenever you have a question or need an update.

Frequently Asked Questions About Health Care Fraud Defense

Health care fraud can lead to serious repercussions, including incarceration and fines. Our attorneys have helped many clients defend against health care fraud accusations. Our clients have asked us many questions about their health care fraud cases. Here are some we hear most often:

What are the common types of health care fraud?

Health care fraud can occur when a health care provider or individual filing for coverage misrepresents a claim for personal gain. There are a few common types of health care fraud, including:

  • Billing for nonexistent services
  • Upcoding, or billing for a more expensive service
  • Unbundling, or billing services separately
  • Billing multiple times
  • Falsifying patient records
  • Misusing a patient’s medical identity for services
  • Misrepresenting the level of services used

Strong legal representation is necessary to address health care fraud accusations – and you should seek an attorney the moment that you suspect that you are under investigation.

Is health care fraud a state or federal offense in Florida?

In Florida, health care fraud is a federal crime defined as the knowing and willful act to defraud a health care benefit program. A health care fraud conviction can lead to a 10-year or more sentence behind bars in federal prison and more than $250,000 in fines. In addition, a defendant’s medical license could be revoked.

Can I be charged with health care fraud if I did not intentionally commit a crime?

A key element of the charge is the “intent to defraud,” meaning you must have knowingly and willfully acted to be found guilty. Simple errors, accidents and misunderstandings surrounding documentation or billing or regulations are not typically considered criminal offenses.

Unfortunately, that does not mean you cannot be charged with health care fraud, anyhow. A zealous prosecutor may interpret an honest mistake as a willful and deliberate action. It takes a skilled attorney to assert a lack of intent as your defense.

Free Consultations

To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our capable defense lawyers, please call 888-211-4156. The Kreiss Law Firm‘s offices are located in downtown Fort Lauderdale, and we handle criminal defense matters throughout Florida.